Staffroom Education | Education Recruitment Agency South Wales

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Since starting my job at Staffroom Education, it has become apparent how many people have mixed thoughts about recruitment companies, mostly good (which is always nice to know) but you're always going to have the rough with the smooth. When working in this type of environment or for a company such as ourselves it's sometimes difficult to understand how we work, to know why we were established or to meet the people that are behind what goes on everyday. So say hello to Mike & Ajaz, the directors of Staffroom Education. With our first successful year on the horizon we thought we'd introduce you to the men behind the scenes...

Why was Staffroom created?!

Far too often we've seen companies put their own needs in front of those of their customers, not just in recruitment but in general. With this happening on an everyday basis we thought we should take the opportunity to create something that puts emphasis on customer service i.e. 'what do they want' & 'what do they want to achieve' and match their needs accordingly.

Why is supply important?

Supply is important because individuals that have the ability and the qualifications to teach, can. Our candidates get the opportunity to work in classrooms with children, gather experience and reputation whilst doing what they love. It gives students the chance to build confidence before they secure a job and others that just want to work now and again a chance to do that too. There is much misconception about supply teachers, people presume they aren't good enough to work full time in a classroom and it's actually completely the opposite. Many of our staff do it as a lifestyle choice, these types of role are perfect for people that wish to balance family life/work or for those who have retired but still want to give back to future teachers that may benefit from their previous experiences.

"Well done and congratulations to Staffroom Education for their successful first year. Mike and Jaz provide a friendly, efficient and reliable service and are always prepared to go that extra mile. They respond immediately to any requests and always keep us updated. I would have no reservations in recommending their services."

How do schools benefit from education recruitment?

When a teacher is absent, it's important that a school covers their classes with someone that provides stimulation for their students. Staffroom offers access to a bank of both qualified and unqualified teaching staff at any given notice. This is not only beneficial for the fact that lessons are guaranteed to be covered but also the idea that schools do not have to be committed. Sometimes it's difficult to judge a character purely by an interview, on paper they may seem absolutely fantastic but there's been many a time when they've fallen to pieces in front of a class full of children. Supply offers the chance for schools to witness how candidates perform under pressure, how well they teach and whether they seem passionate about their job.

For you personally, what is the most important aspect of your job?!

Quality of service. Our commitment to teachers is essential, we always want to provide relevant, consistent work that suits every individual's requirements and show that we value their time and effort. This goes for all of our clients also, we want them to have complete trust in us as their business partner and understand that we'll always do our utmost to provide quality, hard working staff.

What is the best thing about Staffroom Education?!

That we make a difference. Our success stems from the fact that we don't just fill a gap, we take candidates that want to work and place them in schools not just to cover a class, but to further a child's education. Our supply teachers get to do what they love whilst offering a rewarding solution to a teachers absence. It's simple really, a good teacher offers a good education and that's what we always aim to provide. There is much stigma attached to recruitment agencies and we work hard every day to make sure we offer something that differentiates us from the rest...