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The Exam Stressbuster

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With half term pretty much done and dusted, it's time to hit the exam period at full speed.  Making the most of these last few weeks ahead is essential, but trying to balance work revision and keep stress levels at a low can be pretty difficult; even for teaching superheroes such as yourselves. We all want the best for our pupils, but sometimes trying to get them to knuckle down with summer brain can get a little difficult, so here's our top ten 'mix it up' revision techniques to keep everyone ahead of the game.

50 Break Times.

Identify your classes favourite ways to take a time out before you hit the hard work. Create a classroom poster full of 10 minute stress free activities that everyone can do inbetween lessons, classes and even when revising at home.

Revision Games.

Grab a Jenga, a twister or whatever your class finds fun. Create questions that go with your desired subject and connect them to the game. Your pupils must be able to answer whatever is thrown at them to continue playing or they are officially OUT. Grab small prizes for the winners to promote studying, the more they know, the more chance of winning.


Get each of your pupils to write down on a post it what they struggle with/need reminding of and cover the classroom in them. At the beginning of every lesson two can be chosen and covered, meaning that everyone can ask questions and take notes on that specific note without anyone having to ask for help by themselves.

Brain Food.

A Friday afternoon is always good for snacks. Grab a few treats for your class on the way to school & label them 'brain food'. A little reward whilst spending the lesson revising shows your commitment to them and that you value all of their hard work. Plus anyone works a little better with cake right?!

Read All About It.

Pixton gives you the option to create Comics for your class revision in a private and secure place. Add your own images, text and voice overs, whilst incorporating all the information needed to ace the exams. These can be accessed both inside and out of the classroom, so there's no excuse for your pupils not to be whizz kids.

Digital Learning.

Mixing up how the children learn is the key to them taking everything in. If their hands are a little limp from all of the writing then suggest some computer revision. TES have put together a collection of free revision aids including Jedi mind-trick revision lesson ideas, revision games, the 10 commandments of exam success and ways to identify personal learning styles.

Timetable It.

Everyone works better with a schedule. Sitting down and organising certain hours of the day that will be dedicated to exams spreads out the work and keeps everyone on track. It's important that children are subject to routine so that they feel a little more at ease, especially with the added stress of exams, so create a timetable for the wall that everyone can follow it.

Keep Up The Good Work.

No explanation needed. Continue to remind yourself that you and your class are doing all that you can, and at the end of the day, that's all that matters...