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Con-GRAD-ulations! Kick start the grad life with 5 nifty interview tips.

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Con-GRAD-ulations!  Celebratory dinners, holidays and reminiscing with friends. Doesn't sound too bad being a graduate, right? But, it can be quite daunting.

The after graduation slump means job application time! Finding a job doesn't come instantly, but we have 5 nifty interview tips that could make it just that little bit easier.

1) Research, research, research 

Background information on the company, the role and the people will make you look dedicated and demonstrate your enthusiasm. What's their history? Their mottos? What do they believe in? Who do they work with? Weave your research into your answers as demonstrating knowledge makes you memorable. Surprising an employer will make you go from 0 to 100!

2) Practice makes perfect 

That old saying again! But it's true. Practice really does make perfect. Typically an employer will ask the same questions at an interview as standard. You can find traditional interview questions all over the internet, so prepare answers to them. Another good way to practice, is to write down 5 of your best qualities and see how they compare to the job description. Try and link them together, as the employer will want to know how your skill sets fit with their needs. Continue your research, and prepare solid answers to predictable questions.

3) Present yourself

Clean your shoes, iron your shirt and straighten your skirt. Dressing well for an interview is always important as it demonstrates professionalism. As much as you must wear your clothes right, carry yourself right too. Wear a smile on your face, stand tall and show them that you're ready.

4) Deep breaths 

Interviews are nerve-racking for everyone. It doesn't matter how many times you've been to an interview, or maybe even conducted one yourself, they're intimidating! Make sure you take some deep breaths and calm your nerves before you go in. The interviewer wants to see the best possible side of you and when you keep yourself collected, everything else falls into place.

5) Thanks and follow up 

The end of an interview leaves a lasting impression on the employer. They'll often ask if you have any questions. Don't force this, but if there is something that you're particularly interested in, or something you've researched about the company you'd like to find out more about, ask! Most importantly give a warm good-bye. Thank them for their time. Maybe even follow up with an e-mail? Mention that you enjoyed meeting them and would appreciate any feed-back. It leaves an impression with them, and also helps you!