Staffroom Education | Education Recruitment Agency South Wales

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A Holly Jolly Thank You


Well, here we are, another year done and dusted with 2015 around the corner, time flies when you're having fun hey?!

2014 has without a doubt been memorable for everyone, but we'd like to think especially for us here at Staffroom. The early morning starts, wake up calls, rush hour traffic and long days that you have all faced have definitely taken its toll, even if you are a bunch of superheroes, and we'd like to thank you for that. Without your dedication and hard work, it's pretty obvious that we wouldn't be here, our success is down to you and we and everyone else think you're bloomin' marvellous. We hope you're blushing, you should be, in fact you should be heading to the cupboard with your slippers on ready to put your feet up and pig out on your favourite Christmas treats, washed down with plenty of wine and rubbishy tele.

With a year and a half under our belts, we cannot begin to describe how excited we are for the new year and all that it can bring, when we first set out we couldn't have imagined that we'd be where we are now and have all of you lovely people on board, it's truly a pleasure.

So here's to 2015, may it bring each and every one of you plenty of luck, happiness and fantastic opportunities, you definitely deserve it...

Have a truly wonderful Christmas!