Staffroom Education | Education Recruitment Agency South Wales

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A Warm Welcome


As hoped, Staffroom have expanded... We have another new member of the team and we're bursting to tell you all about her.  So give a warm welcome to Rebecca Hovord, our lovely trainee Recruitment Consultant.

Hi Becks! How has your first week at Staffroom been?!

Fun & refreshing! The office is such a comfortable environment to work in.  I was pretty nervous on my first day, but the big personalities have made it so much easier. I've never worked in recruitment before so it's been really good getting to grips with what Staffroom does and how they operate.

What do you think you will bring to the company?

A lot of confidence. I'm definitely not afraid of a new challenge and can't wait to make my mark in this company. I've worked with children and education before and that's why I went for this particular job, it's great that I'm coming to work and helping people make a difference.

"I love cooking, so the office is never going to be short of food, that's always a bonus!"

What do you think will be your biggest challenge?!

I think initially my biggest challenge will be making my first few calls. I really enjoy talking to people, but it's learning the Staffroom way of doing it. It's a completely new experience to me and you always get those first time nerves, but I'm going to use it all to my advantage.

Where do you hope to be in five years?

I'd love to have climbed the career ladder, and to be successfully managing my own team at Staffroom. Owning my own house would be on the list too, preferably one in the country. My ultimate dream would be to have my own little farm house, I'd wear wellies & have chickens in the garden, dippy eggs galore!

What keeps you busy outside Staffroom?

My dog, I'm obsessed. As Mike, Jaz & Hannah have already learnt. Honestly, I act like he's my child. I also love to go out with the girls & family, I'm definitely a social butterfly. It's great because I've only been here a week and already we're having a team get together tonight to celebrate my new role. I'm definitely going to fit right in!