Staffroom Education | Education Recruitment Agency South Wales

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Newport Teacher Recruitment Fair

team staffroom

We were all in good spirits as we set off to Newport on Wednesday 26th February, the sun was out which is always a bonus & we felt confident that this would be another day for meeting some fantastic new faces.

Upon arrival, we didn't mess about, the sweets were out within minutes and we set to work on making our Staffroom stand, stand out. A* for effort in our enthusiasm for setting up with time to spare, F however, for the fact that we’d forgotten our banners, brilliant. No amount of drumsticks would be able to cover this up, so it was up to Jaz to save the day! The story ends happily, with us managing to retrieve them in time to welcome the first of the students that attended. We left feeling triumphant (and full to the brim) after a sandwich spread to be jealous of, hurrah! Another successful day of networking, meeting new people, and signing up a range of enthusiastic NQT’s.

A rocky start, but a good result, go team Staffroom!