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RUGBY: In The Classroom

rugby world cup

Wales vs. England. Did anyone not tune in?!

A little close for comfort, but as always we knew we'd pull it out of the bag (this said after several Saturday palpitations). After such a wonderful victory, I just can't help but feel that every aspect of our lives should incorporate celebrating AND rubbing in that we won. It's not every day that you get to wind the English up is it? Oh. wait...

You see whilst sat screaming at the television for a solid 80 minutes, I couldn't help but compare many a classroom lesson to the rules and regulations of the well-loved national sport.

So here goes...

Line up

Rugby: Team vs Team

School: Pupils vs Teacher


Rugby: One of the simple rules - maximum of 15 players in a team, with up to 7 substitutes allowed.

School: Never, ever a simple rule - Pupil total ranges depending on class, maximum of 1 teacher allowed with the option of occasional Supply staff when injuries occur.


Rugby: Unsurprisingly, the uniform of choice is a jersey, shorts, socks and studded boots. Optional clothing includes shin guards, ankle supports, mitts, small shoulder pads, a mouth guard/gum shield and head gear.

School: Unsurprisingly, most of the uniform choice is ignored. NON optional clothing includes smart dress, ties, and black shoes. Brightly coloured hair, hoodies, multicoloured nail varnish and trainers will most probably be worn.

Rugby Terms Explained

Scrum: A contest for the ball involving eight players who bind together and push against the other team’s assembled eight for possession of the ball. Scrums restart play after certain minor infractions.

Ruck: This is where one or more of the players from each team, who are on their feet, try to maintain or gain possession by closing in around the ball and driving their opponent away from it.

Try: The most valuable play is to score a try, which means touching the ball down in the opponent’s in-goal area or on their goal line. Doing so is worth five points and earns that team the right to attempt a conversion kick.

Offside: Hideously complicated. Basically, players not involved in rucks, mauls, scrums or lineouts must remain behind the back foot - that is, behind the last attached player.

Penalty: Penalties are awarded for serious infringements like dangerous play, offside and handling the ball on the ground.

Kick-off: A coin is tossed and the winning captain elects to take or receive the kick.

Sin Bin: The referee can dismiss a player for an act of misconduct and send him off the field of play. The player may be sent to the sin bin for five or 10 minutes.

Hospital Pass: A pass which is received by a team-mate a split second before he is tackled hard by one or more of the opposition, after which he is likely to need medical treatment.

Grand Slam: a Six Nations championship won without any losses or draws.

School Terms Explained

Scram(ble): A contest for a pen involving eight pupils who bind together and push against the Teachers assembled pencil-case for possession of all stationary. Scrambles restart play after every lesson begins.

Rucky Error: This is where one or more of the pupils, who are on their feet, try to gain possession of the classroom by closing in on other pupils and driving their attention away from Teacher/Work.

Try HARD: The most valuable lesson in class is to try. This means touching both your pen and book and contributing throughout the lesson. Doing so is worth fives grades and earns the class the right to a DVD at the end of the school year.

Outside: Hideously tiresome. Basically, players involved in scrambles, rucky errors, or any other sort of disruption must remain behind the classroom door.

Detention: Detentions are awarded for serious infringements like dangerous play, chewing gum and handling the phone under the table.

Kick-off: A pen is tossed and some poor pupil has no choice on whether to take or receive the hit.

Sin Din: The Teacher can dismiss a pupil for an act of misconduct. The pupil must then spend ten minutes of their dinner explaining how drawing on the table is part of the art lesson.

Hospital Pass: A sick pass which is written by a pupils mate a split second before a lessons begins. He/she is highly unlikely to need any sort medical treatment.

Grand Slump: A full week of teaching with plenty of ups and downs.

Uphold the laws (rules)

Referee and two touch judges/Teacher = both referee and judge. Being in this position is not easy, they all provide a great service and deserve support.

Very important. Always remember the spirit of the rules of rugby/learning...

  • We all make mistakes

  • What we think we saw/heard is sometimes not what really happened

  • Just like you, they are doing their best

  • Play to the whistle; it may be your advantage.

Love the rugby just as much as we do?! Tweet us with your World Cup classroom suggestions at @staffroomed.