Staffroom Education | Education Recruitment Agency South Wales

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It's the summer term...Bring it on!

Well everyone, we hope that you’ve all had a lovely Easter break and are feeling refreshed and ready for the summer term!

We don’t know about you, but we can’t quite believe that it’s the summer term already - where has this year gone?! Only 12 teaching weeks to go until the summer holidays…well that’s rather exciting isn’t it?!

To get us all in the summer mood (and hopefully to manifest some good summer weather!), we asked the Staffroom team members what their favourite thing about summer is…and the results are in!

Mike: Those long summer days

There’s nothing quite like spending time outside after a day at work in that evening sun that makes the days so much longer. Plus, the light mornings certainly make it easier to get out of bed when the alarm goes off!

Jaz: Everyone seems to be so much happier

The kids are off school, so the whole family is together, and everyone just seems to be in a generally better mood during the summer months. We know we are anyway!

Jess: Sun, sun and more sun

…or let’s hope so anyway! As much as we love a holiday abroad, it’s so nice to have a bit of Welsh summer sun, even if it does result in some dodgy tan lines!

Charlotte: It’s all about the BBQ

The smell of BBQ in the air is the ultimate sign of summer. Bring on the burgers! Throw in some summer tunes and a fruity cider or two and a BBQ is sure to get you in the summer mood.

Kira: More people to meet at the Bay!

Office pup Kira loves nothing more than meeting new people, and during the summer months there are even more people for her to make friends with down at the bay. She seems to be a bit of a local celebrity at this point!

We hope that you all have a fabulous start to the summer term, and if there’s anything that we can do to help, please feel free to email us: or give us a call on 02920 496646.