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Supply Teacher Problems

1. Sitting by the phone, blinking for a second and missing a call.

angry at phone

2. Having no idea what any of your class is called

pick a name

3. Those type of children...


4. Getting lost in at least three schools a week.


5. No work set? Oh fab.


6. The 'oh I feel sorry for you' face when you tell others you work in supply.


7. When you're asked to travel over 100 miles for a day of work.


8. Meeting people that get paid more than you to do a job that is easier than yours.


9. Being asked to do a day of Maths when you struggled at GCSE.

no idea

10. Holidays aren't quite as fun when you aren't being paid


11. Having random days off that you actually don't want off (whilst everyone else is at work)


12. When you turn up for a day of supply and realise there's an ofsted inspection

save yourself

13. When you can't access the school's computer system without a password


 Have more problems to share? Tweet us at @staffroomed!