Staffroom Education | Education Recruitment Agency South Wales

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Swansea Teacher Recruitment Fair

On the 15th January our Staffroom Education team attended Swansea teacher recruitment fair. With this being our first, we were keen to make a good impression and even with a few morning glitches ( getting slightly lost and having to park a good few miles away in what seemed to be 2014's worst weather so far) it was fantastic to see and meet so many enthusiastic students. Throughout the event, we were able to provide and guide them with information about applying for jobs, opportunities in their area, chat about their career ambitions, and consume our body weight in sweet treats, RESULT! The fair offered a great chance for everyone to integrate with one another, whether it be students, recruiters or teachers themselves, everyone made the most of what the day had to offer, and all in all conveyed how passionate everyone is about the education sector.

We look forward to working with our new students over the next few months and helping them to obtain their first and future teaching roles. What a great experience!

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