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The positives of teaching remotely

Although the title of this blog may be unconvincing after a long day of remote teaching, but give us the benefit of the doubt and have a read!

As hard as remote teaching can be, the pandemic forcing us into the digital world has had some positive side effects. Positivity is the only way forward, so let’s focus on that! 

Reconnecting with families

The endless video calls and emails have been a great way to reconnect with your pupils’ parents and carers. Parents evenings are usually the only opportunity teachers get to check in with parents, but this relationship has become even more important since the first announcement of the closure of schools in March 2020. Parents have been reminded of the crucial role teachers play in their children’s development and are no longer taking you for granted.  Additionally, with parents having to record their children’s learning, teachers can identify any issues and create solutions with the help of parents that they may have not been easily achieved in the classroom.

Looking ahead to the future

It has also been an opportunity to take a step into the future and understand what is needed for sufficient learning in the future. Now that children are learning from home and you are teaching from home with not much more than a computer and a notepad, once life returns back to normal will aspects of learning and teaching have adapted?

Reflecting on your teaching career

As mentioned earlier, teachers have always been superheroes in our eyes but parents have been reminded about how important you are and how hard you work every day their child steps into the classroom. This is definitely the opportunity to not only be immensely proud of how you’ve adapted to teaching online but to be proud of what the profession you chose to go into and the miracle work you do. 

Stepping out of your comfort zone

When you chose to study towards being a teacher, it goes without saying that you didn’t expect to develop into tech wizards… but you have! Although challenging, it has been a great opportunity to step out of your comfort zone and learn new skills! So although you may feel as though all you have got out of the pandemic is stress and even less sleep, you have more skills than you started with. That’s got to be a winner, right?

All in all, there’s no getting away from the hardship of remote teaching, but don’t forget to remind yourself of the positives and of course how fantastic you really are!