Staffroom Education | Education Recruitment Agency South Wales

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Two is The Magic Number

two is the

Dear Teachers,

Wow, we're here again. It seems like only yesterday we were sat tucking in to our very first birthday cake and reminiscing about our once bare office space. For you I'm sure this year has flown by, Supply Teaching keeps everyone on their toes and it's only now when we can finally slam the breaks on that it's nice to look back and reflect. The last 365 days have been jam packed, but we wouldn't have had it any other way. It's great to still see that plenty of you have stuck with us throughout the duration of our journey and it's even greater to see that our number of supporters has expanded, hurrah!

Without being too sloppy and sentimental, we'd like to take this opportunity to thank every single one of you for your constant dedication and support. This line of work is never easy; you get plenty of stick, early morning call outs and forever wait by the phone. We get that it's testing, but without you this industry just wouldn't exist. You are the superheroes of education, you swoop in and rescue classes of children on days where there's no other teacher in sight. You skip lunch, take on work that wasn't mentioned in the description and travel more miles in a week than all of our office put together. It's a crazy teaching world out there, and it's important that we let you know we wouldn't be blowing out our second birthday candles without you.

So here's to our schools, to you and to us in the office. Here's to another year of constant phone calls, new placements and doubling in size. Here's to meeting new faces, going to new places and to the hundreds of coffee cups that will fuel all of our early mornings. Yes, we're ready for it, you're ready for it, and it'll be even better than the last.

Have a great Summer,

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