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Valentine's Day Quiz!

Love it or loathe it - Valentine’s Day is here once more! Whether your plans are to spend the day as romantically as possible or to totally ignore it, perhaps we can tempt you with a Valentine’s Day Quiz. After completing the quiz, scroll down to reveal the answers - no cheating please! See if you can beat your significant other, family, or friends! Who knows, maybe you know more about the 14th February than you thought!


1) In which century was the first known Valentine’s card sent? A) 15th B) 17th C) 19th

2) To the nearest million, how many roses are sent every year for Valentine’s Day? A) 30 B) 40 C) 50

3) What is St Valentine also the patron saint of? A) Beekeeping B) Epilepsy C) Both

4) Which star sign will someone born on Valentine’s Day be? A) Capricorn B) Aquarius C) Pisces

5) To the nearest million, how many couples get engaged on Valentine’s Day? A) 3 B) 6 C) 9

6) Which Italian city are letters to Juliet sent? A) Rome B) Venice C) Verona

7) True or False: It is thought that there is more than one St Valentine?

8) Valentine’s Day has its roots in which religion? A) Paganism B) Buddhism C) Quakerism

9) Who started the tradition of sending boxes of chocolate for Valentine’s Day? A) Franklin Clarence Mars B) Richard Cadbury C) Henri Nestlé

10) Where was the first Valentine written? A) A hotel B) A pub C) A prison

Now scroll for the answers!


1) In which century was the first known Valentine’s card sent? A) 15th

2) To the nearest million, how many roses are sent every year for Valentine’s Day? C) 50

3) What is St Valentine also the patron saint of? C) Both

4) Which star sign will someone born on Valentine’s Day be? B) Aquarius

5) To the nearest million, how many couples get engaged on Valentine’s Day? B) 6

6) Which Italian city are letters to Juliet sent? C) Verona

7) True or False: It is thought that there is more than one St Valentine? True

8) Valentine’s Day has its roots in which religion? A) Paganism

9) Who started the tradition of sending boxes of chocolate for Valentine’s Day? B) Richard Cadbury

10) Where was the first Valentine written? C) A prison

So from us to you - Happy Valentine’s Day! <3