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How to beat the post-freshers blues

The club nights are happening less frequently, the VKs are no longer flowing, and the reality of being away from home and studying for a degree may be beginning to set in. What is this sinking feeling? We’re calling it the post-freshers blues.

You’re running on 4 hours of sleep, you have no idea where the building you’re meant to be in is, and you’re covered in glitter from last night’s freshers fiesta (just me?). Freshers is an amazing part of the university experience, but let’s face it, it’s also exhausting. It’s a great way to get to know your fellow housemates, but it can also make some people feel very pressured into going out to fit in. Love it or hate it, you may be left feeling a bit deflated after the freshers’ fairs stop and the constant partying stops being quite so, well, constant. But fear not! We’re here with some handy hints and tips on how you can beat those post-freshers blues.

1) Organise a movie night/group dinner with your fellow house mates/course mates

Feeling like you can never ever go out out again after how exhausting (and expensive) freshers was but still want to carry on spending time with your new friends? In is the new out! Something as simple as a movie night can be a really lovely way to fit some down-time into your busy university timetable, but also spend some quality time with the people you want to get to know better. Alternatively, making dinner together can be a lot of fun and is a great low-cost activity - fajita night anyone?

2) Join a club or society!

We cannot recommend this one enough! It’s time to dig out all of those flyers that you accumulated throughout the freshers’ fairs. Whether it’s related to your course, or a sport/hobby that you’ve never tried before, joining a club is a fantastic way to meet new people and try new things. Clubs and societies tend to run a lot of fun socials, not only consisting of nights out, but also day-time activities from trips to Cardiff Castle to dessert parlous visits. Who knows, you may even end up on the committee next year!

3) Throw yourself into your uni work

Hopefully you’re enjoying your degree so far (and if not, at this stage there should still be time to switch courses) so now is a great time to get ahead. See those reading lists? Why not make a head start? You may actually find it really interesting, and if you can drop it into an essay, your lecturers are likely to be very impressed with you!

4) Spend some time alone when needed

The FOMO can be real at university, but it’s so important to give yourself enough time alone when you feel like you need it. Whole of your uni house going to the cinema and you just don’t fancy it tonight? Give yourself a night off! The likelihood is that you’re not going to miss anything that your housemate can’t fill you in on, and you’re probably going to feel so much better for having had a chilled night in.

5) …Plan another big night out!

Just because Freshers is over, doesn’t mean the nights out and partying have to stop all together! Club nights and house parties are great fun, and a fab part of the uni experience. Plus, they can probably be enjoyed a lot more without a horrific hangover from the night before. So, get your pals together again, and make sure your night out ends with some cheesy chips and gravy (preferably from Family Fish Bar).