What's your Christmas Day routine?

Ahh Christmas. The most wonderful time of the year. Although most of us love it, we all seem to celebrate it slightly (or massively) differently to one another. So we thought that we’d ask each member of the team what their Christmas Day routine consists of. And the results are in…


We start the day by opening presents from our stockings in bed, then heading downstairs to take on the presents under the tree. It’s smoked salmon on muffins for breakfast (perhaps with a glass of Bucks Fizz). Then we’ll chill for a bit and the girls will play with their new toys before getting ready for the day. For lunch, there’s turkey, beef, and gammon with all the trimmings. The family will come over later on in the afternoon and finally we’ll all play some Christmas games.


My day starts by waking up around 3/4am to put the turkey in the slow cooker. Then we have a Full English for breakfast to keep us going until lunch is served around 2pm. After that, we’ll open presents and play some board games. Then later on in the evening it’s time for some dessert, which normally involves roulade, profiteroles, or Madeira cake.


We start the day by opening presents and visiting family in the morning, before coming home and preparing lunch to be ready for around 3pm. We tend to have a traditional Christmas dinner with turkey and all the trimmings. We may then treat ourselves to a glass of wine or two in the evening - it is Christmas after all.


Our Christmas Day starts with presents and Bucks Fizz, followed by some breakfast and then getting ready for the day. Then the family start arriving, so we make sure to have glasses of bubbly at the ready for everyone. Christmas dinner is around 1/2pm and consists of turkey with all the trimmings (extra pigs in blankets and stuffing for me please!) and a bucket load of gravy. After that, we’ll watch the Queen’s/King’s Speech, play some games and stick on a movie or Christmas special. We’ll carry on nibbling and sipping bubbly throughout the evening, because if you can’t do it at Christmas, when can you?


We have a big breakfast in the morning with breakfast, fruit, toast and so on before getting ready for the day. Family members start to arrive and then Christmas lunch is at about 1pm. Absolutely NO presents are to be opened until after we’ve eaten - food first, presents after. Then we’ll play some games and eat some more food in front of the TV - think prawns, salmon, crisps, and cheese!


We start the day by waking the children up by telling them that Santa’s been and opening presents with a glass of sherry (festive!). Next we have a Christmas breakfast, which normally involves smoked salmon and ham. Then the family come over in the day before Christmas dinner - this year we’re having beef and all the trimmings. After that we’ll go out for a dog walk with Bella, and in the evening we’ll stick a Christmas film on, and have picky bits for tea.

So there you have it, an insight into everyone’s Christmas Day routines, and there certainly seems to be a divide on whether presents are opened before or after Christmas dinner! Let us know what your Christmas Day looks like, and whatever you get up to, we hope that you have a very Merry Christmas :)
