The 10 Best Apps For Supply Teachers

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Whilst phones stuck to the hands of our pupils can be the bane of teachers everywhere, tablets and smartphones can also have their advantages too. Whether we like it or not the digital era is upon us, and to keep up with times and down with the kids it's best that we don't fall behind. 'I don't have the time to eat my breakfast, nevermind technology', I hear you say. It's understandable that when the school term kicks in it's all go,go,go, but have you ever stopped to consider using these devices to your advantage?

If the answer is yes then we’ve done the hard part for you. We've tried and tested a number of recommended tools and after a rather intense round, we give to your our top 10 favourites. Most are available for all operating systems, so don’t sweat about missing out. Each app is useful in its own right and offers help in particular situations, so there is definitely something for everyone...

1. Classbreak

This fantastic app was created specifically by teachers for teachers and works in classrooms all over the world. ClassBreak has all the information you need for getting to know a new class right through to filling in twenty minutes at the end of the day with a fun game. Whether a riddle, brainteaser or just something to build a little confidence, the app pushes your pupils to improve every aspect of their learning. Each activity requires minimal equipment and is a fantastic way to introduce yourself.

2. PE Shake

With over 100 warm up games for PE, you'll never be short of ideas with your class. All activities are suitable for both Primary and Secondary children and require minimum equipment. This app could be used a reward for hard work, to keep your class on the ball (quite literally) or simply as a filler to begin your lesson.

3. DropBox

Dropbox is a cloud storage system that allows you to share and retrieve documents from almost anywhere. Store videos, PDF files, lessons plans or even your expenses on a day-to-day basis without the faff of all the paper work.

4. Pinterest

It is loved and well-known for a reason! This easy to use, free app allows you to set up a profile and create boards for all of your educational needs, projects and interests. Connect with other teachers, share your own lessons plans or simply just enjoy a few minutes of down time. This visual discovery tool is a fantastic way of keeping your ideas fresh and exciting.

5. Planbook Touch

When you're constantly on the go in Supply it can be difficult to swap, change and even document what is going on so here we've found your answer. Planbook Touch has dozens of features to help you get more organised and save time. For a small price of around £4, you can track standards, create schedules (that can rotate), email plans, convert days and even create suitable lessons for your classes.

6. Too Noisy

Anyone who has attempted to keep the noise levels under control of a group of youngsters will appreciate this simple, fun and engaging app. As the disruption level in a classroom increases beyond an acceptable level the meter dynamically indicates the level of noise, and the background graphics within the app change to reflect these levels.

7. Strip Designer

Strip Designer allows students to create comics from scratch by drawing pictures, taking pictures, or importing pictures. Students can import pictures from a variety of places including Facebook, Dropbox, and the camera roll on their iPads. Whether used for a full lessons activity or a time filler, pupils will be able to show off their technology understanding and express creativity whilst learning.

8. Educreations Interactive Whiteboard

This cool interactive whiteboard that lets you annotate, animate, narrate, import, and export almost anything to and from almost anywhere. Create short instructional videos for your classrooms, embed your lessons on blogs and websites and automatically sync your plans with other teachers/pupils. (Students without iPads can access classes and lessons on the Educreations website.)

9. AroundMe

So you're in a new School and have no idea what to do for lunch or where to go on your two-hour lesson gap. AroundMe quickly identifies your position and allows you to choose the nearest banks, petrol stations, hospital, hotels, cinema, supermarket, restaurants and taxi ranks.

10. Focus Booster

When you're travelling from one place to another and you spend half your time sitting by the phone it can be a little harder to feel completely at ease and organised. Focus Booster is a simple app that helps encourage time management for all of your tasks. Assign a project, add a label, complete your session and it will be automatically saved to your time sheets, ready for reporting.

Do you have one that would make the cut? Tweet us at @staffroomed with any apps that help you at your times of need and we'll be more than happy to feature them.