New team member alert! Meet Charlotte!

This week, the Staffroom team gained a new member – Charlotte, our new Marketing and Communications Officer! So, we thought, what better way to get to know her than by asking the questions that really matter?

Charlotte! Tell us a bit about yourself!

Hiyya! My name’s Charlotte and I’ve recently graduated from Cardiff University, where I studied Spanish and Philosophy. Turns out that I love Cardiff sooooo much that I just wasn’t able to leave, so I couldn’t be happier to have found the perfect job with Staffroom, right in the heart of Cardiff Bay! I am absolutely obsessed with dogs, so I’ve been spending lots of time cuddling our beautiful office boxer puppy Kira (in between actually getting some work done – I promise!). I also love ice skating, spending time at the beach, and a cheeky 2 for 1 cocktail offer at the weekend.

How has your first week at Staffroom been?

It’s been brilliant! Obviously, my degree wasn’t in marketing, but during the dreaded Spring term of 2020, I managed to find a social media internship that lead on to a part-time job, which gave me an amazing insight into the world of marketing…and I discovered that I loved it! This week I’ve been focusing on creating some new social media content, writing some blogposts and just generally learning the ropes of the company.

What do you think you will bring to the company?

Cakes! And just a general air of positivity hopefully!

What have you enjoyed most so far?

I’ve honestly loved it all - I love playing about with social media designs and any kind of creative writing is right up my street, so this role has been perfect for me! I’m also really excited to start visiting careers fairs (restrictions permitting) in the Autumn term and having a chat with everyone about how amazing Staffroom is!

And finally, a foodie question! What would be your perfect meal?

Now this is a hard one! My favourite ever cuisine is probably Indian food (Mowgli Street Food on Church Street is the most incredible place EVER) but Spanish dishes also have my heart. So maybe I’d have to go for some tapas to start, followed by a selection of curries and sides, and then finish off with a big bowl of churros, chocolate sauce and dulce de leche!

Keep an eye on our website and social media pages to see all of the new and exciting content regarding vacancies and general Staffroom fun that Charlotte will be bringing your way!
