Interviews - Avoid Doing This

You’ve got an interview, hooray! Naturally you’re probably feeling super excited, but those feelings of excitement will most likely turn you into a big bag of nerves the morning you wake up and head on over to your interview (sorry to be the bearer of bad news). That is pretty normal though, I mean you have been on that dreaded job hunt for a while now, so you need to make sure that you nail this interview.

Just don’t forget that you are qualified for the job otherwise you would not have received that invitation to interview, right? Now it's just time to make a pretty perfect impression. So try not to let your nerves get the best of you and follow our guide on what to avoid doing when it comes to your interview day and fingers crossed you’ll be in that dream job.



Don’t arrive late or too early to your interview.

Arriving late is a big no-no. If this is the job you’ve been lusting over for a while, then do everything you can in your power to make sure you are not late. Believe it or not, being too early can be somewhat off putting for a recruiter too. They will most likely have a scheduled day with a million and one things to do so try not to arrive more than 10-15 minutes before. If you’re super early for your interview, why not scope out the area and grab a coffee in the area to calm those nerves? Bliss.



Don’t talk negatively about your previous job or the colleagues in your interview.

This one might sound like we’re pointing out the absolute obvious. But often when somebody is nervous it is common to over talk and perhaps give out too much information. Just try to make sure this doesn’t include discussing negative attributes about previous jobs or any colleagues - being a team player is a huge aspect of most roles. So perhaps keep it to yourself that in your last job Susan kept stealing your milk from the fridge.



Don’t keep checking your phone or watch throughout your interview.

This is something people can do without even knowing that they are doing - talk about an accidental general habit. However, in an interview restrain yourself from doing this at all. If need be, don’t wear a watch and turn your phone off. You may be doing these things in the most innocent possible way, but it can be a pet hate for the interviewer. Make sure that you focus all your attention on the interview.



Don’t eat or drink through your interview.

You may have had a cheeky piece of gum just before your interview but make sure you’re not too distracted to get rid of it before you begin! It may be somewhat comforting to chew gum when you’re nervous but in an interview it has a negative impact. Your interviewer may offer you a drink and of course accept it, but turning up with a Starbucks doesn’t give the greatest impression and your interviewew may get slightly jealous too (woops)!

Although these may seem like real obvious things to avoid, nerves can often make them common actions within an interview. Don’t forget though that nerves are completely normal! If anything – they show how much you care for the role. If you have any other advice on what to avoid doing in interviews then please comment in the box bellow or tweet us over at @StaffroomEd.