Camp Rock

camp rock

camp rock

Lights, camera, action.

If you've ever heard of 'Camp Rock', then you'll be extremely jealous of what we were treated to last night. After a busy week before half term, team Staffroom headed over to watch the pupils of Brynteg School perform their fantastic version of the musical, and all we can say is we were blown away. The school hall clock struck 7.30 and suddenly the stage was filled with children of all ages, dancing, singing and encouraging us as an audience to clap along. Each actor, from the smallest role to the largest, had their moments and knew exactly what they were supposed to be doing. The stage props, scenery and costumes were an added bonus to the already enthusiastic characters, lights covered the stage and complimented the sequin covered garments that added that extra bit of 'rock and roll' to what was already an electrifying performance.

The dedication from the school as a whole was inspiring, with many departments chipping in to help create the finished product and the pupils allocating 18 months of their own time to rehearse. It's easy to forget that you're watching children of such a young age when you're invited to The Grand Pavilion and presented with such effort, it is certainly talent to be proud of!

With only one more day left of this short run, I suggest you dance your way to Porthcawl so you don’t miss it, and if you don't quite get the chance, I'd keep your eyes peeled for the next instalment in two years time. We're already counting down the days....