How You Can Make the Most Out of Half Term

Hooray, half term is finally on it’s way! I think that we can all agree that it’s been a tough start with those dark mornings and trying to get back into the swing of things after Christmas hasn’t exactly been easy. Everybody loves a good ol' break, it's definitely deserved and next week you shall be living the dream. YAY!

This is why we are a massive fan of half term. It’s the perfect time to recharge those batteries of yours so that you can strut back into the rest of the term feeling like a brand-new person. We’ve come up with a list of things that we think are essential in helping you feel refreshed over the half term break. We hope they help!

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Recharge Over Half Term

This one is very important.  You have had plenty of early wake up calls so use this time to eliminate those morning alarms and sleep in as long as you fancy! Oh and take extra long bubble baths, have all of the dreamy day time naps and eat good food. Your body and mind will love you for taking this time out to recharge and relax - trust us.

Understand Why You Got Into the Profession Over Half Term

Time out from work is a great chance for you to step back and understand what it was that made you get into the profession in the first place. It is pretty normal to feel deflated by the routine work brings you, so take a few moments out and write a list of what it was that made you passionate about this career path in the first place. Going back to these points will be a lush little motivating pick me up in the future too!

Analyse Over Half Term

Spend some of your half term break looking back at your experiences over the first half of term. Highlight any challenges that you had, assess the thing things that you had enjoyed and figure out how you can move forward with them in the future. Time to reflect and analyse is really important!

Prepare Over Half Term

Prepare yourself so that you can go back to school feeling completely confident and organised. It will make the rest of the term less stressful and help it to run smoothly. Half term is probably the only time you can get to sit back and prepare, so we really do recommend that you make the most out of it. Try not to over prepare though, half term is not the time to stress!

Have Fun Over Half Term

Yep, this one is essential. Half term is the perfect opportunity for you to let your hair down and enjoy yourself! You’ve worked real hard in school so do whatever you do for fun; go for dinner, get creative, go for drinks – anything you love doing, utilise this time to do so!

We hope you enjoy your time out from school - you deserve it! If you can think of any more necessities, then drop a comment in the box below or you can Tweet us @Staffroomed.