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A Creative CV is Key

In recruitment, we are inundated with CVs on a daily basis. I would love to say that every single one of them is just what we're looking for, but in a lot of cases they are unfortunately a 'three second wonder'. Apologies if you're not familiar with this phrase, it's a little something I use to describe how within a few seconds of reading, we've already decided that they aren't the candidate for us. For those applying, this can be particularly frustrating due to the fact that this a4 piece of paper is not a true reflection of what they are all about, but how are we to know this? For me, the usual curriculum vitae is dated. Nobody really wants to read through twenty-five pieces of paper with the usual cheesy lingo and same old 'I'm a team player' rubbish. It's boring. Last year I listed the most important factors to consider when updating your CV (see CV HAPPY for details) but looking back I feel we could all push ourselves that little bit further.

Think CREATIVE, after all isn't that what we push our pupils to do every day? If all you've got is a few minutes of an employers time then it's imperative that you make it count. Whether you're a mathematics teacher or a lover of art and design, use your resume as an excuse to show off who you really are and how much you want this job.

So here's a few examples of what you can do with a computer, a cup of coffee and around an hour of your day. It may seem a little out there to some but think '2016'. As technology advances and we're more and more reliant on computers, it's important that these sheets of paper scream everything good about our personalities...

Hannah Tuck (1)

Hannah Tuck

Hannah Tuck (2)

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