A Job Seeker's Social Media Mistakes



Day-to-day, we live out our lives online. Whether it be the odd moan or groan about a Monday, or an inspirational quote that throws you out of bed in the morning, we enjoy the fact that people can keep in contact and maintain business relationships with the click of a button. For many, this is a fantastic way of getting noticed, especially when it comes to jobs. These free platforms give you the chance to show off work and skills that may otherwise be over looked when applying for a vacancy; after all actions do speak louder than words. However there are always the downsides to consider. It's all fine and well expressing yourself in a way you see fit when it's kept low-key, but how much of what you post is visible to the public, and would it shock an employer?

Yes, that's right. Your friends might love that photo of you drunk at the weekend, or relate to the bad language used to describe how much your head hurts, but it's not everyone's cup of tea. If your CV is up to scratch and you're ready to job hunt, it's perhaps an idea to lock up the private life before you hit that apply button.

1. Padlock the posts

Every social media platform has the option to edit your privacy options for a reason. Whilst it's great for those who know you to be able to see what you're up to, make sure those who don't can't access your information. Facebook, Twitter & Instagram all have a 'make your profile private' option, so get those accounts hidden. By doing this employers are able to see that your social media savvy, but you look completely angelic, stopping them from removing you from candidacy.

2. Think more, tweet less

Don't want to go to work today? Keep it shtum. Got away with being late again? No one else needs to know. These are the types of posts that scream you're an unemployable individual, so stay away from airing any type of 'bad work' behaviour.

3. Postess with the mostess

Having a lovely picture of you and your friends as your display picture is great, having a lovely picture of you and your friends whilst drunk on holiday as your display picture is NOT. It may seem difficult to filter these images when they're constantly being uploaded but their are plenty of options to help you select what appears on your page. Keep your profile picture clean and simple, whilst we all love a few laughs about a crazy night on the town, an employer isn't going to be quite as understanding. Although it may seem unfair for an employer to judge you on a photo, the images that pop up online could have an impact on their perception of you.

4. Update your information

We've all been there. At the age of 16 we create a profile and fill in the 'ever so boring' details with something that let's your personality shine. However setting your current job position on Facebook to 'Ibiza bum' or 'Vice president of the duvet committee' isn't quite going to scream great employee is it? As you grow it's essential that your social media grows with you.

5. Linkedin loving

We don't always think of this platform whilst posting away on social media, yet this is the perfect tool to showcase your talents. For those of you that haven't got a profile, try setting one up and uploading your current CV with a professional image. Steer clear of any casual, personal updates on Linkedin and keep it strictly work related. Not only will this work wonders for employers that do search you on the site, it also means that anyone looking for new employees could come across you too. Bingo!

6. Spellin' lyk.

When we're in a rush to type, there's always the casual abbreviation, but let's be honest, people don’t use text speak these days. Keep your spelling and grammar the same as you would when talking to people and try nt 2 ryt lyk dis wen ur avin a rant on facebuk ok?!

Although this may seem a little over the top when applying for jobs, the statistics speak for themselves. More than two-thirds (68 per cent) admitted to rejecting a candidate based on social media postings, with almost a quarter (24 per cent) having warned current staff about their behaviour on these websites. No one expects a saint. Employers want to see that you will be a good team fit and work well within the culture of the organisation. Having fun and a sense of humour may very well work in your favour – but within reason. Remember that technology dominates our every day lives regardless of the situation, so keep yourself aware and ahead of the game at ALL times.