University of Wales Trinity Saint David : Teacher Fair Fun!

teacher fair

teacher fair

It's always a little chaotic in the mornings for us, but when a fair is thrown in things can get a little interesting. With Mike out of service (through no fault of his own, for once!) it was up to both myself and Ajaz to hit the road and head to Swansea...

We do love a Teacher event. Not only does it offer you a fabulous array of new faces and catch ups with other agencies, but a good amount of freebies come as part of the package. Sweets and biscuits for breakfast are a vital part of the day and the unlimited coffee keeps us refuelled and ready. As per usual, UWTSD did not disappoint. A hall chocker block full of teachers and happy recruiters always creates a fantastic buzz and it was lovely to sign up so many new faces to Staffroom Education. The staff were accomodating, there was no talk of this 'January diet' malarkey and to see so many people passionate about working in the education sector was brilliant.

Recruitment fairs like this are a positive way of answering questions and spreading the word about your brand or your skills, so for those that may be a little apprehensive about attending, then we definitely recommend that you give it a go.

Three cheers to greeting students whilst our mouths were full of Moams - it is a skill we'll have you know.

Thank you so much for having us guys, we'll see you again soon!