You know you're a supply teacher when...

Most teacher's countdown to the holidays, spend weeks planning new classrooms for September, and pick up slang that only teens can translate. However, there are some traits that are unique to supply teachers, and by god you know them when you see them. If you spend your days waiting by the phone and your weeks in a number of different classrooms, the points below are dedicated to you. You know you're a supply teacher when....

1. You have a “black list” of classrooms that you vow never to return to.

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2. You're middle name is practically 'wing it'.

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3. You have the BEST excuses as to why you can't attend 'that' school this morning.

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4. Children automatically assume you're a pushover



5. The sprint to your phone when there may be work for the day is seriously impressive.

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6. You regularly dodge questions like “do you have Facebook” and “Can I have your snap chat name?”

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7. You become a master of every subject (or at least that is what they think)

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8. You stress about how you shouldn’t be stressing right now

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9. You carry around a survival kit that includes 100 pens, paper, coffee sachets, and most importantly classroom bribery.

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10. You hear "But we already did this!" on a daily basis

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11. When 'follow the lesson plan provided' results in no lesson plan being left

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 12. You can't go anywhere without bumping into at least one familiar face.

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13. People don't to ask you if you'd like a coffee, they just know you do.

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14. There has been many a fist pump when one of your favourite schools has asked for you back.

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15. You get a smile, a wave, and a thank you from students and it makes all of the above worthwhile. 

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