Teachers: How To Handle The First Few Weeks Back

The lie ins and lazy days are over (for now) and you're always a little fragile on the first few weeks back. Children are recharged, work piles are high and coffee has become your best and only friend. It's time to tackle the next month with care, so here are our top tips on how to handle being back in the classroom...

Set 10 alarms

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Treat yourself to a portable coffee mug so that traffic is bearable

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Clothes and lunch packed = extra time in bed

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Treat yourself to 'wine Wednesdays', it's good to ease yourself back in

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Buy post its and stick them EVERYWHERE with reminders of why you love your job

i love my

i love my

Leave all of your marking until the last minute and use the other time wisely (sleeping)

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 Take all sorts of treats into the staffroom, sugar makes adults wild too!



Book a Summer break



Do not let anyone else have the remote in the evenings, your day has clearly been worse than theirs

tv remote

tv remote

Every evening must include a 10 minute silence (just because it's the only peace you'll get)

not listening

not listening

Make the most of your weekend, it'll set you up for the Monday ahead!



Continually remind yourself about the two bank holidays in May



AND most importaantly, spread the positivity (even if you're not feeling it)

you are the best

you are the best