The Staffroom stache

So it's that time again!

November shall forever be known as the Month of the Moustache thanks to the fantastic and imaginative fundraising campaign that we all know as Movember. The campaign encourages men of all ages, all over the world to grow moustaches to raise awareness  for prostate and testicular cancer as well as mental health. The challenge is to grow your facial hair for the full 30 days of November, changing your usual appearance and in turn changing the face of men's health.

However, have no fear ladies, Movember’s not just for the men. Mo Sistas can play a huge role in this months success by supporting and encouraging all of  the men in your lives to get involved, as well as giving that extra bit of oomf! when helping fundraise for the charity.

With this in mind, we've decided to take the challenge into our own hands, and assign both Ajaz and Mike the task of sculpting their mo's weekly dependant on a style that you choose. The options are available to view on both our Facebook and Twitter or if you have any other imaginative ideas then feel free to suggest them too! For one month only, our two Staffroom stallions' fate will be in the hands of all that vote purely for your viewing pleasure, so let's get creative.

Have your say, donate towards The Staffroom stache and just help spark conversation. Whatever you choose, your input makes a difference!